Friday, October 31, 2008

The Argument Against Idiots: Election Recap

October 31, 2008 - 11:39 ET

How to win the argument de jour with logic and facts

The issue:

'Election Recap'

What the liberal whiners say:

'Today is not a day for partisan bickering and attacks...we are just 4 days from election day, and rather than throw around insults, maybe I could just share some inspiring stories with you?'

'Let me just share the story of 80 year old, Ampara Rico Quintero, who retired from her job as a factory worker in Chicago 18 years ago to go back to live in her home country of Mexico. Now, every four years, she comes back to the U.S. to vote in our presidential elections. This year, her trip was hard. Last Sunday, she had to take the overnight bus from San Luis de Petosi, all the way to Brownsville, Texas, to get there in time for early voting. Listen to her sweet words as she boarded the bus back to Mexico after placing her vote..."this year I voted for Barack Obama. He is going to help the Mexican people, and make immigration fair." Isn't that a heartwarming story?

'I will not allow you to ruin the serenity I feel today. Barack Obama, after Tuesday will also be fighting hard for people such as the elderly gentleman on his infomercial the other night, who is struggling now through these bad economic times, trying to hold on to his dwindling pension fund. You know what Barack said to that poor man? You EARNED that EARNED it...and I will fight for you to keep it.'

'Well, get used to it, Glenn. The fact is, Barack Obama has promised day after day to give 95% of America's working families a tax cut. It's too bad you're so selfish with your money, Mr. Fatty Fat, Fatso, Money Bags.'

Your winning, logical, reasoned arguments

1. No partisan insults or bickering? Uh, OK...I'll believe it when I hear it, but...

2. NO! It's eye-bleeding INSANITY! She doesn't even LIVE here...she lives in MEXICO, but comes here to VOTE?!?!?! How is that even POSSIBLE?

3. Hmm...too bad he doesn't feel that way for the MILLIONS of people who have worked hard all their lives and EARNED their success! Instead, day after day he talks about punishing THOSE people. What's the difference?

4. Selfish? When I give just under 20 PERCENT of my income to charity and Obama and Biden give practically NOTHING?!?!?! There is nothing generous OR patriotic about the government taking money from you by FORCE! And by the's still IMPOSSIBLE to give tax cuts to 95% of Americans, when 40% don't even PAY TAXES!

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