Monday, September 01, 2008

The Palin Feminist Model
Posted By Cheri Jacobus On August 31, 2008 at 9:59 am

The excitement is growing. She's the real deal -- very, very smart, accomplished, results-oriented, and a totally self-made woman who never set out to "make it" so much as found herself compelled to fix what was wrong, change what needed changing, and hold people to account.

Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton. And that's a good thing.

I honestly believed it would take at least another decade for Republicans to put a woman in the White House. Democrats almost did it with Hillary, but let's be fair. For all of her experience and fame, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton would not be where she is today were it not for the fact that she was married to Bill Clinton. Governor Sarah Palin is where she is today 100% on her own merit. No family business or political connections, no rich daddy, no powerful and well-connected husband -- This is all hers.

The Palin example is a true feminist example -- the perfect model in it's purest form before left-wing radicals hijacked the 'feminist' moniker. And the great thing is, the GOP's vice-presidential candidate didn't have to walk, talk, dress or act like a man to get there. She didn't need to be a part of the old boy network. Sarah Palin busted up the corrupt political machine in Alaska and brought honesty and integrity back to her party and her government. She's accomplished more in two years as governor than others did in more than a decade.

Palin brought about real reform and real change by fighting and beating corruption, while Barack Obama built his political career by learning how to "play ball" with the corrupt Chicago political machine in order to further his career so that he could merely talk about change in lofty speeches.

The McCain/Palin ticket is a sharp contrast to the Obama/Biden ticket. The Republican team walks the walk and has a long and solid record of getting things done. Obama, as we know, can give a good speech. And Joe Biden can talk, and talk, and talk.

I can't wait for the debates!

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