Saturday, September 06, 2008

DNC Misuse of the American Flag?

I am not saying this happened, but I am providing a video of the news report I just listened to. There are too many ways the flags may have come to be where they were found, but however it happened, it shouldn't have.

You watch the video, you decide.

I will say this, I will have a flag flying by next weekend.

Update: News reports have the Obama camp pointing the finger at the McCain camp saying they stole the flags. I'm not sure how this happened as the flags were reportedly found several days after the conventioneers left Denver. The McCain workers who found the flags say their definition of garbage is items that are placed in dumpsters and items that are left at or near dumpsters (I've paraphrased, but that's their definition as I understand it). Why would the Obama group leave something for several days, in dumpsters, then claim it was stolen?

It's beginning to sound like a schoolyard - one kid blaming the other for doing something.

I don't know how the flags came to be in and around the dumpsters. There apparently were thousands of them. New video shows campaign people opening the garbage bags and removing new, unfurled flags and passing them out at the event where this became such an issue.

No matter who put the bags with the flags in the dumpsters, they should be ashamed. Those flags were new and hardly used. At the very least, if the DNC didn't want them, they could have kept them and passed them out at other events. As the McCain campaign plans to do. 
After the flags were passed out, the attendees were told that if they didn't want the flags, to return them and they would be passed out at future events. 

You know, I just had a thought....someone...whoever...left the flags in and around the dumpsters surely wasn't being very "green". The flags weren't recycled in any way and they weren't properly disposed of (as according to flag etiquette).

And I thought Democrats were the leaders in being Green.

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