Kerry on the Fair Tax
When asked about the Fair Tax, President Bush said that it sounded interesting, and worth some attention. Senator Kerry said, "Families already squeezed by rising health care costs, gas costs and college costs would have to carry a whole new tax burden."
Senator Kerry either (1) has not studied the Fair Tax Act, (2) is against whatever the President is interested in, (3) has studied the plan and doesn't understand it, (4) or doesn't want American citizens to have more money. In any case, he should have studied it before opening his pie hole.
Of the options, I prefer to think that he hasn't studied the FTA and/or doesn't understand it. Had he studied the plan, he would know that it would actually put more money in American pockets. I always hate to generalize, but Democrats don't want you to have money to spend how you want. They want to take your money and spend it how they want. They don't think you are capable of making any decisions. Democrats want to be Mommy and Daddy and "take care of you" so you don't have to worry about little, mundane things such as healthcare, retirement funding, and social welfare. They don't think you're smart enough to handle your own money, healthcare, and retirement. That's why they are promoting universal healthcare - everyone is entitled to free healthcare. Retirement? Let Social Security and Medicare take care of you in your old age. Can't find a job because you don't have an education or have a passel of kids? We'll give you a check every month, and help you pay for housing and groceries. This is socialism people. If it continues, we'll all be on some sort of Welfare. Welfare is when someone else (Uncle Sam) gives you housing, groceries, healthcare and a retirement pension.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to live my so called golden years on welfare. I want to be in control of my own destiny. I want to keep what I earn and make my own investments so that I can have the kind of retirement I want to have, no, I deserve to have. I want to choose my own doctors, hospitals, and insurance.
Look at your paystub. Those amounts next to FICA and Federal Witholding? That's money that would NOT be taken out each payday. You would keep that money. In my case, that's an extra $800 a month. And, I'd get a rebate check each month of about $350. I could pay off bills, the mortgage, and build a nice little nest egg over the next few years. And those who have 10, 20 or more years before retirement would be able build a very nice retirement for themselves.
This doesn't even touch on the fact that prices would go down, more jobs created and life in general would be good. If you don't believe me, go to the Fair Tax Act and see for yourself. Educate yourself. Senator Kerry couldn't fit National Security briefings into his schedule, so maybe he didn't have time to study the Fair Tax either.
A whole new tax burden? Three words, Senator: bring it on!
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