Sunday, June 13, 2004


We've been having some thunder rumbles here for the last couple of hours. It hasn't rained yet, though. I know it hasn't rained because neither the electric nor cable have gone out and one or the other always does when we get rain.

But, now that I think about it, that could be Liberals reaching for their ulcer medications. I'll bet they've been burning up the phone lines trying to figure how what spin to put on the WMD news.

Anyway, we need the rain badly. Out daily temps are hitting the 90's with upwards of 75% humidity. Just checked the weather, the temp is only 79, but the humidity is 74%. I laughed during the Reagan funeral broadcasts from Washington DC last week. Everyone kept talking about the temps being in the 90's with high humidity. I couldn't help but say, welcome to my world eight or nine months of the year.

I know DC gets hot, I know it gets very humid. I've been in DC in July and while hot and humid, it wasn't as bad as Florida in the summer.

I long for the summer we had last year. Lots of rain kept the temps down to a comfortable (for me) range. I actually enjoyed last summer. Which I can't say for most Florida summers.

I think I'd better end this before the electric or cable goes out.

1 comment:

r said...

It is thundering here, too :) I miss those midwest thunderstorms-this is sooooo exciting and perfect timing, too- Susan Belle Graham is singing some lovely French salon music.....