Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Pet Causes

In my job, I can't do too much politicking. I have a government job, and in most government jobs, unless you're campaigning for the boss, it's frowned upon. Not to the extent that you lose your job (although that is not unheard of; if the higher-ups are looking for a reason to let you go, any reason will do), but, it can be a career killer, or at least a career slower.

Since I need my job too badly to risk it for campaigning, I have to use other means, and that is one reason I started to blog. So I could voice my opinion, and if by doing so, was able to convince someone that my opinion was the best, the most correct, whatever you want to say, so much the better. I have a high opinion of myself most days, and of course, I think my opinion, if not the best written, is as good as the next person's.

Anyway, one of my pet causes right now is to convince people to vote. But, I don't want people to just walk into the voting booth and mark their choice. I want them to be informed and make their choices intelligently. I don't want anyone to read my blog and not question me. Even if they don't leave a comment, or send an email asking how I arrived at my opinion, I want them to think about what I wrote and to do some research on what I have to say or what they think about what I've said. The Internet is just full of information. I honestly believe that everything that has been printed, thought, or said can be found somewhere on the Internet. If it's not there yet, it's like the weather in Florida, wait five minutes and it will change.

I don't agree with everything GWB has done in his time in office, but I think he's done a better job than Al Gore would have done in his place; especially in light of 9/11. GWB and Kerry have a lot in common, but I don't think Kerry would do any better than GWB has done. So, unless something happens between now and November, I will be casting my vote for GWB.

My main pet cause is the Fair Tax Act. I won't go into it right now. If you are interested, the link is in the sidebar to the right. But, I digress.

Wictory Wednesday

I'd like to invite you to join in the Wictory Wednesday effort to help Bush/Cheney to be re-elected. You might volunteer your time, or make a donation to the Bush-Cheney 2004 campaign.

Volunteer here

or donate here

Sorry, I don't have the expertise to know how to do the trick where you can click on "volunteer" or "donate" and it will take you to the page. Haven't learned how yet. So, I gotta do it the long way.

By the way, the blogroll for Wictory Wednesday is in the sidebar to the right. Take a moment to visit some of the blogs listed. Show them your support. And, please, support the President.

1 comment:

total said...

Yes I agree that paople should know what they are voting for and votte with all the knowledge they have about the person. BUt I don't think that many actually do. Most of my friends that are going to vote for Kerry, have no reason other than they don't like Bush. that is not a way to vote. You need to finds out what the candidate is about and how he voted before voting for them. I have always tried to stay informed about all the candidates and thier stands on the issues. And I don't agree with all of GWB has said , he has views that are closer to me than Kerry.