Friday, November 28, 2003

Thanksgiving in Baghdad

I know that very few, if any, our of service men and women serving in the military in Baghdad (or anywhere else) will see this, but I still want to offer my thanks for the thankless job they are doing.

Most of them are civilian soldiers - men and women who have full time jobs and serve their country weekends and a couple of weeks during the year. Most of them are doing it for the extra money. Some are doing it just to serve their country. Few, especially those signing up before September 11, expected to have to actually serve in combat conditions.

Whatever their reasons, Thank you and God Bless.

Presidential Trip

I'm so pleased that our president was able to make the trip to Baghdad in absolute secrecy. It proves that even in Washington secrets can be kept. What a concept!

I read a couple of stories about the trip. Some are upset that he put his life in danger for a publicity stunt and that he's just using the trip to get votes. Well, geez louise! Isn't that what a politician does? Takes every opportunity to try to garner a few votes?

You know, I don't really care why he made the trip. I want to believe that he did it for the same reason I believe he made the trip to the Abraham Lincoln last May - to thank the people who are doing the job of protecting our country. They get little enough thanks for what they do.

Can you imagine the morale boost to the troops to see the president walk into the same room you are about to eat Thanksgiving Dinner in? And then, to have him serve you your meal? Even if it was only a roll, it would have been a lifetime's experience.

He was risking his life to be there, just as the troops were risking theirs being there.

I may sound as if I'm GWB's biggest groupie. No, I'm not, but he's a sight better than what we had, and, as far as I'm concerned, what we might have had. I don't agree with everything he's done, but at least he did something after September 11 instead of talking about it. And then still doing nothing.

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