Sunday, November 23, 2003

Davy Crockett vs Welfare

Before I start let me state that I am not against helping people get on their feet. I want to give people a hand up, not a hand out.

I was reading on a story about Davy Crockett that gave me pause for thought. It's really too long to retell here, but I've included the link so that you can read it.

(You might have to type the URLs in for both links- I tried to see if the links worked and got a "page cannot be displayed" message. Since I copied and pasted the URL from the website, I know it's not my typo. Please take the time to read it. It's very interesting and enlightening)

The laws of this country are based in the Constitution. If a law is unconstitutional, meaning it is not allowed under the Constitution, then it has to be struck down. Example: the Income Tax was not Constitutional until an amendment was added to the Constitution (see more in previous post or click on the Fair Tax Act link on the sidebar).

I admit I haven't studied the Constitution since school - and that was a long time ago. It's now saved on my computer so that I can look at it anytime I need to. You can be assured that I will be doing a lot of studying over the Thanksgiving holiday. Can I challenge you to do the same?

We all need to be more informed so that we can tell our legislators what we want them to do. It's all well and good to say, I don't want this law to be passed 'cause I don't like it. It's better to be able to say, I don't want that law passed because it's not Constitutional. You would be surprised to find out how many of our Senators and Representatives don't know the Constitution and even more surprised to find out how many don't read the bills put before them. They often vote for a bill because they want the sponsor of the bill to vote for one of their bills (If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours). Talk about being ignorant of the law! And you and I are just as guilty if we are uninformed.

Another site to check out is Citizens Against Government Waste.

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