Saturday, October 29, 2005


Like you, I get a lot of emails that instruct me to pass this along to at least (insert number) of friends in order to .... whatever. I don't forward everyone I get, I have certain conditions that must be met first. It must amuse me, or it touches me in some way. Some, I've decided to share with you, my favorite reader. Should you feel a need to pass it along, or link to it, I give you free leave to do so.

Along those lines, I like the rose and the sentiment in this and I'd like to share it with my friends.

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You're My friend,

My companion through good times and my buddy through happy times. Beside me you stand, beside me you walk.

You're there to listen, you're there to talk with happiness, with smiles, with pain, and tears.

I know you'll be there throughout the years.

You are all good friends to me

And I am grateful to you.

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