Tuesday, November 18, 2003


My friend Tina and I signed up at Curves last week and had our first workout today. Both of us need to lose weight and tone up. So, we took the plunge and did it.

In case you don't know, Curves is a, I hesitate to say gym, because it's not really. It's for women only (yayay!) and has tinted windows so that passersby can't see in (another plus). There are six (I think-I was too busy learning how to use the machines-and they were easy to use) machines you work on for a set time length... just a couple of minutes at a time (really, just a couple of minutes!). By the time you start to feel it, you hear a recorded voice say that it's time to change stations (or something to that effect). Between machines there is a platform you run, jog, walk, whatever, in place until you hear the recording say to change places, then you go to the next machine. At the end you do a series of stretches.

You go around the circuit three times. They call it a 90 minute workout in 30 minutes. All muscle groups are worked, so you're getting a full body and cardio workout. There is also a time when you have to take your pulse rate and see where it is on the chart. Hopefully, you're at the fat burning stage. If not, you need to work a little harder.

When we signed up last we, we were weighed, measured, body fat figured, and a medical history requested. We were asked what exercising we were doing (huh? None, that's why I'm in the shape I'm in!) and if we were on a diet program of any sort (I repeat "huh?")

Actually, they don't want you doing a diet program because you will be able to see what results are directly attributable to Curves. However, if you want to diet or are dieting, that's alright. They do recommend that you eat breakfast, a lighter lunch, and a light dinner. Gee....where have I heard that before?

Tina and I are going at lunch time. So, with the drive there, we're gone a little more than an hour. Our boss is really flexible with time. As long as we do our jobs, and get our time in, he's okay with us changing our hours as necessary.

Let me tell you, Tina had so much energy this afternoon, she was almost bouncing off the walls! Me, well, I didn't see a lot of difference in how I felt, but I wasn't wiped out. I think I might be a little sore tomorrow, but, geez Louise! it's been ages since I've worked out like this! I'm hoping that the energy will kick in soon and I also start seeing results in a couple of weeks. Not big, huge changes, little ones - a little off the waist, a few pounds off the weight, I'll be content to keep going. It's taken many years to put on the weight and as long as I see results, I'll be content with taking time to get it off again. I just need to see a little less of myself!

Anyway, we're dragging each other three times a week. I'll let you know how we do.

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