Patrick Ruffini reports that 60% of those asked in a Fox News/Opinion Dynamics polls whether they support PRA's do favor the freedom of choice to invest or not. Here's the link. PRA's win when it's framed as a choice and not as a cut. My bet is those framing the question as a cut want to see SS stay as it is. It's all in the wording.
If anyone else has a better idea than PRA's, let's hear it. All I've heard from those who don't want PRA's is basically "it won't work!" and alot of that is because they don't want anything that President Bush promotes. It's the old Bush hatred at work again. Don't just tell me it won't work, show me why and show me what will. Show me something better and I'll go with it. Until then, PRA's are the best game in town.
Ah! There's the rub: you want to see a plan!
So long as the Left can characterize the President's plan as 'a cut', there's no need to offer any plan.
Then, in time, when the system starts defaulting, they'll blame the Right. Then raise taxes.
Gotta love this Ponzi scheme!
Hi, Charlie!
Yeah, leave it to me to want a solution from the usual suspects - the libs, Dems and anti-Bush crowd instead of the usual bitchin' and moanin' they are so good at.
With 60% of those polled agreeing that it's a good idea, they're gonna have to come up with something better than what they've been doing. But since negativity is all they know, I don't know if they can.
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