Wednesday, July 07, 2004


Looks like more than a few (me included) were taken in by the New York Post's blunder. I was rather surprised that Gephardt was the reported choice. I kind of thought it would be Edwards. Should have listened to my gut instinct.

Edwards brings something to the mix that Kerry can't: personality. Not to mention that Edwards is good looking, intelligent, and closer to a "man of the people" than Kerry could ever expect to be. Not to say that Edwards is a "man of the people" but he is more so than Kerry. Being a southerner doesn't hurt, but it won't necessarily help, either.

Geez Louise, I can remember the days when we didn't know before the convention who the candidate would be. I remember staying up as late as I could, waiting for the final tally. Most of the time, I couldn't stay up that late. I was just a kid, after all. Then, we'd be waiting with baited breath wondering who the VP would be. Of course, it was really interesting if there both parties were nominating candidates - an incumbent not being in the running. It was an interesting time.

For me, some of the fun has been taken out of the campaign because we already know who the challenging candidates will be. Oh, well. Times, they are a changing.

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