Thursday, July 31, 2008

An Open Letter

To corporations that use automated dialing. I have wasted enough time answering my telephone only to wait until your customer service representative finishes with one call and is assigned to me. Take my number off your list and don't bother to call me again because I won't be buying your product.

I don't blame the CS reps as they are only doing a job, just like I do mine. I actually feel sorry for them having to deal with the public. But on the other hand, they are the ones making cold calls trying to sell a product. It's a job they chose and for which they receive a paycheck and some sort of benefit. Don't tell me this is the only job they could find. Even in this job market, I'd rather be flipping burgers at the corner fast food restaurant than working as a telemarketer.

I just went ballistic on a woman just trying to do her job. I'm tired of wasting my time answering the phone then waiting for someone to come on the line to offer me some great deal. I explained how tired I am of wasting my time this way; that I know it's an automated system and not at all her fault (but she's the one who will have to deal with my anger). I went on to explain that my time is as valuable as hers and that, in my opinion, it's very rude to call someone to sell them something and then to make them wait while someone on the other end picks up. It does little to make me want to buy their product. It was about that time she broke in telling me it was an automated system and the reps don't even know the customer has been waiting. I have no idea what else she had to say as I hung up about that time when I couldn't get in another word. I know she's probably calling me everything but a Child of God, and I really don't blame her. However, she's the one who is getting the paycheck for that job and she either needs to deal with it, tell me off as she tried to do, turn me over to a supervisor, or quit that God forsaken job.

Automated dialing and the automated telephone system should both be delegated to the deepest expanses of Hell as they are agents of Satan.

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