Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The political transformation is underway. The world is hungry for change ... or maybe it's just a bunch of screaming Germans hungry for sausages and beer.

Make no mistake: Barack Obama's speech in Berlin's Tiergarten park was one of the most revealing and, frankly, terrifying moments of the campaign so far. We witnessed a man who may very well be the next president of the United States APOLOGIZE to a bunch of foreigners for his own country's failings! He told the crowd of 200,000 that he addressed them "as a fellow citizen of the world" and then dropped this bomb: "I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We've made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions."

Apparently lost on Obama and the crowd was the incredible irony that a Nazi flag would be flying over Berlin at this very moment if it weren't for the sacrifices made by the United States and our allies in WWII; hundreds of thousands of Americans died to liberate Europe and prevent the spread of tyranny around the world.

The crowd, of course, was enthralled with the speech. But there's a very simple reason why Obama's been received like a rock star everywhere he goes in Europe: the European people have no desire to see America remain the world's number one power!

Here's the bottom line: The United States can't afford a commander-in-chief who travels to other countries with his hat in his hand and begs for some understanding. We need a president who will stand up for America, not apologize on her behalf. And if Obama had no qualms about delivering this speech to the European public, what's to stop him from doing it in private with Ahmadinejad in Iran?

Say goodbye to America, the superpower; say hello to America, the good global citizen.

From Laura Ingraham


A lot has been made of the comment, "We've made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions."

Many have said Obama should not apologize for America's actions. Well, while I wouldn't say apologies should or shouldn't be offered, it's true we haven't lived up to our best intentions. May I submit the Bay of Pigs as an example?

That's just one. I won't offer more, but there are others. America, like it's people, isn't perfect. But most of what we've done has been with the best of intentions. We've liberated people from oppressive dictatorships. We've liberated people who were being murdered by their governments. We send aid to countries only to have that aid confiscated by the government and used for purposes other than our intentions. America sees a problem and acts. Europe sees a problem and considers the ramifications of what must be done and who must do it.

We've often been accused of being "the world's policeman", but what country responds when called? And before it's called is ready and waiting for the call? What country gives aid at the drop of a tsunami? What country forgives debts when their own economy is struggling? What country allows ridicule and derision by foreign it's own country? And doesn't throw the person under the jail? What country is it that people want to move to so that their children can have a better life?

No, America isn't perfect, but as imperfect as it is, people want to live here and to achieve the American dream. Our standard of living is such that our poor live as well as or better than the middle class of most European countries.

As imperfect as America is, it's still better than any other country in the world. Bar none.

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