Saturday, December 31, 2005

Coming Up Next

With the Christmas season all but over, my self-imposed moratorium on politics will end. So I will begin writing about the FairTax, immigration, and Social Security once again.

That being said, I rather enjoyed concentrating on a single theme and since the Olympics are coming up, I will devote most of my blogging time in February to the Olympics. As with Christmas, a good deal of what I post will not be original (to me) content, but I will give appropriate credit as I always try to do.

I'll have something to post for New Year's and Martin Luther King day in January.

In February, in addition to the Olympics, I'll be writing about the Day of Love and Romance, Valentine's Day. President's Day also falls in February, so you can expect to see something on George Washington and Abe Lincoln.

I hope you enjoyed the Christmas theme as much as I did and hope you will enjoy what I have to offer over the next couple of months.

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