Saturday, August 07, 2004

Gem of the Week
This was posted by Susie at Practical Penumbra. It's so good I couldn't resist.
We thought the whole slut thing was behind us....
I should have known better than to read the latest (and hopefully my last) issue of Business Week. They've been actively campaigning for JF'ingK for months now, and the last few issues it has only gotten worse. This week they have an interview with him (did you know he was in Vietnam??) entitled "'I'll Restore America's Reputation'."
See, this is what our country gets for hanging around with perverts like Slick Willie. This is what happens when we go to bed with him twice. We get a reputation for being an easy lay, and, even though we are now dating a nice boy, people still remember the times we were slutty and throw it in our faces--including this latest Don Juan trying to get in our pants. So crawling into the sack with you is going to restore our sullied reputation, ketchup boy? When it was doing the dirty deed with your frat brother that ruined our reputation to begin with? When your pal was the one who convinced the world that we could be assaulted and we'd just lie there and take it? Our new boyfriend respects us. He's teaching us martial arts in case some other strangers try to take advantage of us. He's not afraid of a woman who can kick ass when necessary, unlike you and your fraternity friends, who would rather we just laid still and thought of England--or France, in your case.

We'll restore our own reputation, thank you. Now run along and try to seduce some country that hasn't learned its lesson...

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