Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Barack Obama Wants Your Money!

That's what John McCain said this morning in a speech at the National Small Business Summit, and I hope it's a sign of things to come. Obama's on Day 2 of an 11-day "economic tour," which by the looks of things, promises to be the gift that keeps on giving. McCain's lucky to be running against a guy who thinks the president is the "manager of the economy," which Obama said today on MSNBC. In his delusion he thinks that he can tax America into an era of prosperity. This man couldn't teach a high school course in economics -- and what has he ever managed?

"Currently, there are the 21.6 million sole proprietorships filing under the individual income tax," McCain said today. "When Senator Obama talks about raising income tax rates on those making over 250,000 dollars -- that includes these businesses as well. He also proposes increases in dividend and capital gains taxes. Under Senator Obama's tax plan, Americans of every background would see their taxes rise -- seniors, parents, small business owners, and just about everyone who has even a modest investment in the market."

Raising taxes on small businesses, which create more than 90 percent of new jobs in America, is just plain stupid. Maybe Obama should try managing something on the order of a local McDonalds before taking over the world's most powerful economy.

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