Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Something To Think About

Who do you want making nominations to replace the Supremes?

"Looking forward to the next presidency, we see that Justice Stevens is 87, Justice Ginsburg 74, Justices Kennedy and Scalia 71, Justice Breyer 69 and Justice Souter 68. Perhaps all will be sitting in January 2013. Perhaps all will be retired. Voters who care about the Supreme Court ought to assume that the next president will have an impact on the future course of the Supreme Court greater than any president in modern times. The Court of course affects every aspect of American life, from the conduct of the war to the protection of the unborn, the right to worship and speak freely, the right to bear arms and the right to be free from intrusive governmental oversight. The Court can chose to protect private property or, as has been the case for decades, almost completely ignore this foundational right. The Court is the country's future in many respects, and the president is the keeper of the court." —Hugh Hewitt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Massive Democrat voter fraud in a Broward county District D001

Maybe you can pass this along to some FL media and blogs?