Tuesday, January 08, 2008

GOP Results Are In

The New Hampshire primary GOP results are in McCain takes the win with Romney in second and Huckabee in third.

All three candidates gave speeches indicating that they plan to be in this for the long haul. I'm still hoping for a Huckabee nomination, but after hearing McCain, well, he would be my second choice. His "thank you" speech was heartfelt and worthy of a President.

The Democrat results are too tight to declare a winner at this time.

I noticed something that made me think. This might not be exactly the place for it, but I've noticed that the candidates all spoke of God in some manner, either thanking God or asking God's blessing on those listening to their speech. Is is PC to invoke the name of God during an election? I'm not complaining, mind you. I think each and every one of the them need to thank God for the blessings God has bestowed upon them. But, where are the protestors? I've heard people voicing concern about Huckabee being a Baptist minister or Romney being a Mormon (neither of which bother me in the least).

I also noticed something else in the last day or two. The talking heads are now referring to Hillary as "Clinton", not Hillary as they have done up to just very recently.

Just thinking....

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