Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Fixing the tax code is a popular political agenda item. Besides continually "fixing" the income tax code, there are numerous alternatives, including "Flat Tax" and "Fair tax".NDAC has studied many alternatives. Numerous factors contribute to the analysis of revenue systems. Some of these are "fairness" and equity to the tax paying population, cost of application, and performance; but the single most dominant public awareness factor is the role played by the collection agency. In fact, it is this overriding aspect taken together with the public disdain for the IRS that leads NDAC to recommend a National Retail Sales Tax to replace the income tax.Our current system was derived from a Flat Tax. It taxes income. Thus it punishes increased income.The National Debt Awareness Center (NDAC) recommends that income tax be replaced with a National Retail Sales Tax and that the IRS be dissolved.A National Retail Sales Tax gets rid of intrusive government involvement with the taxpayer's life by getting rid of the "income tax" concept. Furthermore, prediction of revenue based on sales statistics will be more accurate than prediction based on analysis of income. Analysis of personal income by a government agency would be a thing of the past.

Want Details on how this would work? Click here. Oh, and here's another good source, Fair Tax.

Go to National Debt Awareness Center web site.

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