Saturday, October 08, 2005

What's With the Blogosphere?

I was a Large Mammal, then dropped to a Crawley Amphibian, rose to Adorable Little Rodent, up to Maruding Marsupial and now I'm back down to Adorable Little Rodent. I'm actually referring, of course, to the TTLB Ecosystem, not the entire Internet. For those of you who don't know, it's a ranking system based on links. While we don't live and breathe by these rankings, everytime we go up to a higher rank, we puff up a bit with pride (all-right! I went from a Wiggly Worm to a Crunchy Crustacean!). When we drop in ranking, we suffer just a teeny-weeny little bit (I dropped to a Flippery Fish?? Don't they love me anymore??? wahhhhhh!). In my case, my ego needs the stroking that being (at least) a Large Mammal gives me. Aspiring to higher ranking means that I could gain the notice of Playful Primates like The Anchoress, a Mortal Human such as LaShawn Barber; or (dare I even dream it?) Higher Beings such as Michelle Malkin or Instapundit. The thought of perhaps, maybe, in my wildest dreams, joining their ranks! is just well, too much to even think of. Well, what are we if we don't have dreams?

Don't get me wrong, I know I don't have the readership (and if the truth were known, the writing ability) to be more than an ALR, but I've been going up and down like an elevator over just the last couple of days.

I need some Dramamine for the motion sickness!

Note: Whoo-hoo! I'm back to being a Large Mammal! Now, where did I put the Dramamine?


Sissy Willis said...

I know what you mean. Had been in the mid 200's for weeks and then was suddenly demoted to high 600's the other day. I hate being jerked around. :)

Kitten said...

Hi Sissy! Welcome back!

I think it's the bouncing around that's so nerve racking. If I should be say, an ALR, that's fine, just leave me where I should be. The Peter Principle says we rise to the level of our highest incompetence and I don't know where my incompetence lies!!