Monday, May 16, 2005

Who Said This?

"There's no doubt that the Mexican men and women - full of dignity, willpower and a capacity for work - are doing the work that not even blacks want to do in the United States."

While I agree with the description of the Mexican given above, male or female, I don’t believe that there are jobs that only Mexicans can fill because not “even blacks” will do them. I believe that the problem lies in the fact that we have employers who are willing to hire people “off the books” and pay them less and pay no benefits. As long as we have employers willing to hire Illegal Aliens, we will have Illegal Aliens swarming to the US to find work.

The Illegal Aliens looking for work are the ones who are not employable in Mexico. They don’t have the skills to get better paying jobs, and they are competing for menial jobs with thousands of others. Mexico is not a poor country, but wealth, as in most nations, is in the hands of the (gasp!) wealthy. And it doesn’t trickle down to the poor, so they come to the US to get jobs and healthcare. Oh, benefits not paid for, such as healthcare, by an employer, end up being paid for by the taxpayer. You and me.

Oh, that quote above? Who said that? Mexican President Vincente Fox. See, President Fox has no interest in trying to stop Mexican workers from working in the US. They get paid more in the US and then send millions of dollars back to their families in Mexico. Illegal immigration is one of the things that is shoring up the shaky Mexican economy. And when they migrate to the US, Mexico doesn’t have to worry about taking care of it’s expatriates. Let the US do it.

Once again, I have no problem with legal immigrants coming to the US to find work. I don't care if they send money back to Mexico. I just want people coming to the America and living and working here to be legal. I don't agree with President Bush's plan to offer amnesty and Guest Worker cards and whatever else he has on the agenda. As far as I'm concerned, it's vote pandering. He wants the Hispanic vote for the RNC and this is his way of getting it.It might work. And if it does, it won't stop more illegals from coming across the borders. Which means we will be paying for hospital and medical bills, we'll be educating their children, giving them welfare checks, and one day they will be given Social Security benefits. All without paying into the tax system.

Does Fox care about the social repercussions Illegal Aliens cause? Of course not. In fact, the more Mexicans in the US, the less drain on the Mexican economy. It's the American taxpayer who will suffer, but who cares? It's a win-win for Mexico, and a losing proposition for the US.

And here is a great post on Illegal Aliens over at Sunnyeside.

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