Saturday, October 30, 2004

And Still More Reasons to Vote on Tuesday

Lest We Forget
From a soldier - Serving Proudly

what Col. Bud Day, the most decorated vetern of the Vietnam War and 5-year survivor of the Hanoi Hilton has to say about John Kerry.

And finally, the latest bin Laden transcript.

Voting is not a right, it's a responsibility. Voting is not a right guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States, despite what the majority of American people think. The people of Afghanistan exercised their responsibility not too long ago. And turned out in huge numbers. They understand the importance of voting. The people of Iraq will be able to vote in January. I believe they understand the importance of voting and will also turn out in huge numbers.

The American people have become apathetic when it comes to voting. Then we complain when they raise taxes or create laws that hurt us, the American people in one way or another. We look the other way when politicians chip away at our Constitutionally guaranteed rights as citizens or our national security or our sovereign rights as a nation because "it's good for global peace."

We allow people, whether American citizens or foreign nationals to blame us for what's happening in the world. We're to blame because one man, Osama bin Laden, and his henchmen decided to kill Americans. America has become the world protector because no one else could or would do it. No other country had the guts to do what America has done for over a century.

One of the reasons America is the world power is because other countries depended on us to save them. Remember World War I? World War II? Korea? The first Gulf War? What did we get out of any of these wars except loss of life and continued freedom and liberty for us and the countries in those conflicts. We didn't become an empire by taking over countries. We didn't become rich by taking over the rubber plantations in Indonesia after WWII or taking over the oil concession in the Middle East after the first Gulf War. All we've ever asked for from any nation is some land to bury our dead.

We rebuilt Europe after WWII. We're rebuilding Afghanistan and Iraq. Yes, American companies are making money in Afghanistan and Iraq. It's called capitalism and it's a good thing. It's one of the reasons second and third rate nations despise us. We have the companies to step in and start work. They don't. The bottom line is, America has it and they hate us for it. They hate us because we have what they don't have. They don't have it because they haven't put in the effort to become what we are. Maybe because they are a very young nation and haven't had the time. Maybe they've had dictators who put money in their own pockets instead of in the pocket of the nation. Maybe they're an old nation who has just sat on their laurels instead of working toward more for their country. Maybe they hate us just because we're what they are not.

Our citizens have spent two hundred years building America to the point where other countries want to be us. It takes hard work. Americans aren't afraid of hard work. We aren't afraid to do what we need to do. Whether it's working a field or starting a business. Or stepping in to free a country so they have the ability to live free and prosper.

God Bless America!

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