Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Whoopi's a Big Loser

She claims in the Slim Fast ads that she's a big loser. Now, she really is. Slim Fast let her go as spokesperson for their company today. Here's the link for the rest of the story.

We'll probably be hearing about how Republicans and conservatives are responsible for her losing this gig. It's an old story: blame everyone but yourself. Take no responsibility for your own actions. Whoopi ran her mouth or at least let her mouth get away from her at the Democratic fundraiser last week. Apparently, Slim Fast customers complained and Slim Fast decided they needed their customers more than they needed her.

Is it censorship that Slim Fast let her go? Think of it this way: if you have an employee who exhibits behavior that is detrimental to the company, the company has three options. One is to allow the employee to continue their behavior thinking that any publicity is good. The second is to tell the employee to tone it down and disciplinary action may or may not be taken. The third is to let the employee go. It's the company's right to fire employees who are harmful to their company image.

I am a employee of my agency 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Even when I am in my own home, or out in public doing something that has absolutely nothing to do with my job or employer. If I behave in a manner that puts my agency in a bad light, I am subject to disciplinary behavior. I might be "counseled," written up, suspended with or without pay, or fired depending on the seriousness of the situation and prior behavior on my part.

Whoopi Goldberg expressed opinions of President Bush in a vulgar, sophomoric manner that does not befit a mature, adult, intelligent person. I am of the opinion that anyone who has to express their opinions in such a manner is either ignorant (does not know any better), uneducated, uncaring of their surroundings, or has such a high opinion of themselves that they feel they can say or do anything and it will be accepted. The only other reason is that she was drunk, high on a controlled substance, or was mentally handicapped in some manner. I can forgive almost anything of someone who is ignorant or uneducated. They just lack an understanding of the facts of the situation. Someone who is mentally handicapped may also lack a full understanding or even the capacity to understand. I cannot forgive people who feel they are superior to others, drunk, or high on illegal drugs. Whoopi is said to have been swinging a wine bottle around. That might be the "cause" of her diatribe.

Does Whoopi have the right to her opinion of Bush? Of course. And she has the right to express that opinion. I will argue that with anyone, anytime. But, along with that right comes acceptance of consequences. If she is willing to accept the consequences, then she absolutely has the right to express her opinion. I hope that Whoopi is adult and mature enough to realize that losing this job is something that she, and she alone, is responsible for.

But, I haven't seen a Hollywood liberal yet who understands that responsibility.

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