Saturday, July 17, 2004

Life Has Consequences - Like it or Not

I knew Whoopi would start complaining about losing her SlimFast gig. I just wondered when it would start.
Whoopi Goldberg lashed out at Republicans again yesterday, branding them hypocrites for trying to "punish" her for joking about the President.
Maybe Bush and Cheney own SlimFast (I thought it was a subsidiary of Unilever) and somehow managed to keep the press from finding out. And now they've fired Whoopi to punish her.
"America's heart and soul is freedom of expression without fear of reprisal," she said in a statement.
I don't understand where anyone gets the idea that they are free from reprisal. If that were true, Whoopi herself would not have made the comments about President Bush that she did. He faces reprisal everyday for his actions, as proved by Whoopi's own remarks. And those of Kerry and Company, the Hollywood crowd, the crowd, the Democratic Underground, the Democratic Party and anyone else who disagrees with Mr. Bush.  Maybe their slogan should be "Practice what I preach, not what I do."
Whoopi decided to make remarks in an open forum. She represents a product sold on the open market which depends on customers to buy the product in order to stay in business. The company decided that her comments detracted from the company image and released (fired/terminated) her from her contract. But it's those mean, nasty Republicans who are to blame! Once again, a Hollywood elitist thought that she could say something offensive and not receive consequences for it. When will they get it? Life has consequences. You do or say something that other people don't like and the other person or people retaliate in some way. Just as the first person has the right to say or do something, the other person has the right to react.
Whoopi had the absolute right to say what she did. SlimFast customers had the right to complain to SlimFast. SlimFast had the right to fire her.
It's called Life.


Anonymous said...

Hi...It's Sissy...

I loved your post and have blogged about it:

The land of the free and the home of the shopper

Anonymous said...

Egad...Mistake in my post link. This is the correct one (I hope):

The land of the free and the home of the shopper