Sunday, October 04, 2009

Wash your hands and say your prayers...
Because germs and Jesus are everywhere!

In all seriousness, washing your hands is one of the most important things you can do to avoid colds and flu.

Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Sing "Happy Birthday to You" to time it. It works!

Sneeze into a Kleenex and dispose of immediately or sneeze into your sleeve.

And more of the obvious: plenty of sleep (6-8 hours), drink plenty of fluids (water is best; alcohol is not considered a fluid in this case!), vitamin D is now considered a must, more so than vitamin C.

If you are sick, don't go to work. It will take you longer to get better and you could spread it among your co-workers. They will NOT thank you for your dedication to your job if you make everyone sick!

Another if you are sick: your physician's office is the only place you should be going. Last winter I had what I thought was probably a sinus infection (meaning it wasn't contagious), but cancelled a dentist appointment just in case. The receptionist thanked me for changing the appointment. Had it been contagious, I could have spread my cold, flu, or whatever to the dentist, staff, other patients and to their families. It could have spread beyond them to co-workers, schools, and other families.

Chicken soup is still good for whatever ails you. There is some debate about whether it's really good for your illness, but you know what? At the very least, it's a comfort food and makes you feel better just to eat it.

Be careful, be safe, and be courteous to your community.

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