Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Understanding The FairTax Webinar

Date: Wednesday April 29, 2009

Time: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Location: Your Home, Your Computer

Notes: The FairTax is a forward thinking solution to our current tax code abomination - a tax code so complex it now tops 67,000 pages- worse, stifles economic growth & punishes people & businesses for saving & investing. (Not to mention stifles ambition and punishes people who want to prosper to provide more for their families. It also punishes people who start businesses and create jobs.)

This event is a Webinar presented by Marc Manieri, CC in Seminole County,FL. After the presentation Q & A will be held.

Future Webinars will include presentations of specific elements of the FairTax to help supporters learn more of about the great features included in the FairTax legislation.

To register, go to www2.gotomeeting.com/register/347359690. After registration you will be sent a confirmation and instructions for logging on to the Webinar.

This presentation will not only be a refresher for those already familiar but a good place for new potential supporters to learn about the FairTax.

The time is Eastern Daylight Savings, 8PM, 7 Central, 5 Pacific.

Contact: Marc Manieri, mventures@cfl.rr.com or 407-719-5117 with questions or for more information.

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