Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oh, Come On!

More on the Caylee Anthony mystery that I am just not getting. Maybe someone can explain it to me?

Mom Cindy (Casey's mother) says that Casey is sitting in jail, saying nothing, to protect Caylee. Casey says that Caylee is in danger and Casey can't tell anything she might know for fear of endangering Caylee's life even further.

Dad George (Casey's father) says that he doesn't know where his granddaughter is, but that they know who has the child and that they "are being watched". At one time he says "they" don't know "they" are being watched, but they are. Another time, he says "they" know "they" are being watched.

Casey is reported to be sitting in jail, saying nothing to protect Caylee because she believes Caylee is in danger. Casey has refused visits with her family. Some lawyers on various talk shows I watch have said her lawyer has probably told her not to see her family as the visitations are recorded and released to the public (under Florida law, these recordings are released to the press on request. Visits with her lawyer are privileged and are not recorded). I think there may be something to that; but I also believe that Casey is quite capable of refusing to see her family as retaliation or a manipulation device.

In the meantime, Mom Cindy is in front of the cameras every chance she gets to keep Caylee in the news. And George is driving all over Florida in a rolling billboard hoping that whoever had Caylee will see the billboard and say, "This is the missing child! We've got to return her to her family!"

Now, don't get me wrong, I think Cindy and George are doing what they have to do. If they don't keep Caylee's name in front of the public, the story will get lost among all the other news of the day. As far as I know, George and Cindy have been nothing other than completely forthcoming with telling what they know to detectives. Complete honesty is what's needed at this time.

What I don't understand is if Cindy and George believe what Casey is telling them, that Caylee is in danger, aren't their actions doing just what Casey doesn't want? Especially George announcing on TV that "we know who has Caylee and they are being watched."

I am just very confused by all the mixed messages being sent by this family. I can only say that if I had a child who I believed had been kidnapped, I would have teleported myself to the nearest police department - nut just moved as fast as I could - the very second I had even an inkling that my child was missing. I would have told the detectives everything I knew, no matter what light it put me in. My first and only thought would be to get my child back.

The grandparents are acting in a way which I understand, even if they are making statements that confuse me. It's the mother, Casey, that I have to look askance at. Was she involved in something that she shouldn't have been? Did she witness something that she shouldn't have seen? Did she do something that she shouldn't have done?

Casey reportedly has a violent temper. Did she lash out in anger at Caylee? Not meaning to harm her, but doing so? Did she panic after finding Caylee drowned in the pool in the parents backyard?

Casey's very silence is the thing that most people don't understand. They are looking at the situation from my own point of view: getting Caylee back is paramount and they will do anything and tell the police whatever they need to know to get the child back. With Casey not reporting the disappearance for something like 30 days, then not telling anyone the truth, in fact, lying to everyone, and sitting silent in jail, the public can't help but look at her as a suspect in the child's disappearance.

Casey, being the parent and caretaker, would naturally be the first person looked at by the detectives. At this point in time, considering the lack of information provided by Casey and the lies that she blatantly told detectives, there is just no one else to look at. At this point in time, Casey is the only one who could have done something to cause Caylee's disappearance.

At some point in time, Casey is going to start to point fingers. Knowing what Casey's personality is, she's going to point those fingers at everyone but herself. I think she's sitting in jail, feeling sorry for herself and thinking about who is to blame. I'm concerned that she's going to be pointing fingers at George in particular, perhaps her boyfriend Tony, and maybe at brother Lee.

Tony has talked to the detectives. I have heard that he's a former police officer, so would know that being the boyfriend, he would be the next person in line to be a suspect. He's reported to have been forthcoming and answered all their questions and is not now a "person of interest".

So, a few words of advise to George, Cindy, and Casey:

George, not even in your frustration should you make partial statements to the press about something you know, but can't say more. Tell the detectives what you know and let the people who are trained to go and get her. Yes, you're a former cop yourself, and you may have that training. This is a situation where you can't be objective. Tell the cops what you know and let them deal with it.

Casey, spill your guts. Tell the detectives everything and be truthful. Whatever happens, is better than putting your parents through this nightmare. Be an adult, tell what you know, and take whatever punishment you're facing like an adult and not act like a spoiled brat.

Cindy, I think you're doing everything mostly right. But the time has come to be honest with yourself about your daughter. She's not sitting in jail to protect her daughter, she's protecting herself. She's a spoiled manipulative brat who is trying to control the family through intimidation tactics.

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