Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mental Recession? A Nation of Whiners?

"You've heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession," former senator Phil Gramm of Texas told the Washington Times. "We have sort of become a nation of whiners," he said. "You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline."

Former Senator Phil Gramm thinks that we're in a "mental recession" and not an actual recession. What universe is he living in?

Is it a recession? I don't know that it passes the definition of a recession. I've heard it doesn't; I also have heard that we can't go by the "classic" definitions anymore because economics have changed so much. We all know that times are hard for a lot of people, particularly those who are living on the edge for one reason or another. When you don't have much of a cushion, rising prices could cause, not just a pinch, but a real bite into your finances.

Senator Gramm is one of Senator McCain's economic advisors. He tried to explain that he was referring to some of the nation's leaders when he was speaking of a "nation of whiners". Well, I agree that some of the so-called leaders can be "whiners", but I don't read it that he was referring to some national leaders.

You know, politicians are people who are adept at using a lot of words and saying almost nothing. Maybe they need to start listening to themselves. Maybe they should use fewer words and finally, maybe they should say what they mean and mean what they say instead of using double-talk to say nothing.

They just don't understand that perception is everything. I can't read your mind, Senator Gramm and, not being a politician, I don't speak political double-talk. When you speak, I have to take what you say and believe you mean what you say.

I googled Phil Gramm and found that he might not be such a great guy. I didn't take time to read all the articles, but just the headlines are enough to send red flags up all over the place! I'm certainly glad that I didn't take any economic classes from Senator Gramm when he was a professor of economics. He's now a vice chairman at USB, which is under investigation for money laundering, and he was involved in Enron. In fact, the more I read about Gramm, I'm put in mind of a couple of old sayings my mother used to use:

You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas


You are known by the people you associate with - birds of a feather, flock together

Senator McCain, my advice to you is to find another economic advisor. Fast. Yesterday. In fact, go back in time and don't bring him on board to begin with. Dump this guy, and get someone who hasn't been involved in more financial scandals than I can shake a stick at.

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