Monday, February 04, 2008

Internet Access for GI's

I received this email from the mother of the GI who wrote it. Please give consideration to the content and then contact your senators to make this right. We need to treat these people with more respect than they often get. Better Internet access is only one of the things they deserve for what they give us.

This is about the troops, not the war.

I have been using MIT internet here on Camp Striker since September last year. I recently started getting a VERY frequent annoying error message that says "You have violated the TOS policy regarding maximum simultaneous connections on the MIT network." I am then cut off in mid conversation and banned from using the service for one hour. I am not using a download manager or any other such program. I only surf the net and talk to my wife on Yahoo IM. This can in no way be violating any policy and needs to be fixed immediately. We pay $65.00 a month for the worst internet I have ever had in my life. The one thing that keeps up moral around this place is the ability to communicate with my family thousands of miles away.

The MIT service is down more than it is up and running, and in the US this would probably be considered criminal activity of some sort. There better be a fix for this and a fix fast. Soldiers fighting and dying for their country deserve better than this.

For the family back home, please contact your congressmen about our internet services we are paying for and encourage them to take action.

Thank you.

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