Monday, October 31, 2005

Judge Alito

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The nomination was made this morning. I personally would have preferred a woman, but ultimately, I want the best person for the job sitting on the bench of the highest court in our country. Compared to Ms. Miers, I'd say Judge Alito is well qualified. I rather feel that Ms. Miers was better versed in the Constitution than many would like us to believe. After all, she counseled the President and everything he does is, or is supposed to be, set with the Constitution as a basis. We all know that doesn't necessarily happen though.

So, since Judge Alito has argued cases before the court, as well as before lower courts, as both a prosecutor and defense attorney, I think Judge Alito is qualified to be heard by Congress in confirmation hearings.

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see more at Blogs for Bush


GUYK said...

Yep. I think he should be confirmed. Its not like buyin' a pig in a poke becaude he does have a record and I for one like what I see. The far right is not going to be too happy with his stace on abortion nor will the far left like the fact that he tries to make his decisions based on law and the conmstitution. But that is all that I ask for--

Kitten said...

Hi Guy! Thanks for visiting My Little Corner. I hope you'll come back again.

I think Alito will be confirmed, but it might take some arm-twisting to get it done.

It'll be fun to watch the libs heads explode :D