Saturday, June 18, 2005


You might notice that I’ve changed the font on my blog and added some color to the text here and there. I felt the need for a change and thought this was just what the doctor ordered. It might change again tomorrow or the next day or the next week. Depends on my mood.

I also added links to the Fair Tax book by
Neal Boortz and Rep John Linder to the sidebar. There are two links, one to Barnes and Noble and one to Amazon. Just between you and me, Barnes and Noble is cheaper or was when I put the Amazon link up. (Shhh!!! You didn’t hear that from me). Amazon just put a link up in the last few days, Barnes and Noble had theirs for several days before Amazon.

And in the interest of full disclosure, I am an affiliate to both stores, so if you buy from my link, I’ll make a few pennies. Yeah! I can retire after about 50,000 purchases! Or a stick of gum.

I also added the NOdometer to the sidebar. It’s a link to the Heritage Foundation and will show how much saying no to Social Security reform will cost the next generation. Thanks to
A Cool Change for the link.

Let me know what you think about the font change and colors. Leave comments or email me.

Update: Blogger changed the font - or something happened between my posting last night and opening My Corner this morning. Anyway, this is the font I wanted. If you saw the previous font, you have my apologies!

1 comment:

doyle said...

I like the new colors a lot, but the font change? Ewwwwwwwww. The size is great but the style makes it a bit hard to read.

Thanks for the H/T on the NOdometer. You might want to link back to my specific entry, though, in case others have the same problem I did with the Heritage Foundation's original script.

It's too wide for the default sidebar settings on some blogs.