Saturday, January 29, 2005

Saturday Ramblings

Isn't Technology Grand? This morning Fox News was reporting that a missile had struck the US embassy (formerly one of Saddam's palaces) killing 2 and wounding four. This evening Fox is reporting that seven are in custody for the strike.

Seems that the missile was tracked by satellite and programmed an aerial drone to spot the launch site. The drone then tracked two vehicles leaving the scene to a house in southern Baghdad. Seven people were arrested, five with rocket residue on their clothing.


Kerry Asked to Return Senate Pay
: The National Taxpayers Union wants Senator Kerry to return the pay he received while campaigning for the Presidency. Kerry is not the only one at fault. According to the NTU, Kerry is at the top of a list of 25 senator and congressmen who either ran for higher office or were in a fight to retain their seat.

Personally, I don't care if my congressional representatives (Senate or House) miss a few votes now and again. It happens. They might be sick, might be caring for a sick relative, or might actually be away on constituent business. They might be taking a few days off. But, if my congressional representative is running for another office, he or she should step down (resign) and run for that office. If they are focused on obtaining a higher office (usually the case), then they can't pay full attention to the job I, as a taxpayer, am paying them to do.

Now, if a senator or House Representative is running for re-election to the same office they currently hold, that's a bit different. I still expect them to pay attention to the job. If they can campaign and still represent my interests to my satisfaction, then I say they can stay in their position.

P.S. I thought I'd add another comment before someone else mentioned it. I don't think that President Bush should return any of his paycheck while campaigning. He was the incumbent. He was doing his job while campaigning. He is President 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Even when he takes a vacation, he is still President. He doesn't get time off. That being said, as long as he can do the job while campaigning, it's not a problem. If he can't, he won't be re-elected anyway. 51 percent of the voting American public believed he was doing his job and so re-elected him to another four years.

Illegal Aliens: There was some discussion on a local radio station Thursday about the illegal alien/border problem issue - don't remember which station it was. My thought was that in order to stop the practice of hiring illegals, there should be a two-fold "punishment" plan: 1. fine the business or individual for hiring the illegal and 2. deport the illegal to his or her home country. I have long said that I have no problem with the legal immigration of people from other countries. And I don't want to permanently penalize someone who is here illegally if that is their only crime. Return the person to their home country and allow them to return to the US once they can do so legally. If there is a reason they can't come here legally, then they shouldn't be here at all. Or, if they commit crimes while in the US, they should not be allowed to return. The purpose of fining the business or individual is to make the fine high enough that they understand that what they have done is criminal. I don't think jail time is necessary unless they are repeat offenders. If the fine is high enough, they most likely won't repeat. And they repeat, then jail time might be necessary.

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