Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Wictory Wednesday!

It's Wednesday, that day we in the blogosphere have set aside to ask our readers to volunteer or donate their time or money to the Bush/Cheney campaign.

Who would you rather have guiding our country over the next four years? We have two choices right now: a man who has proven himself to make hard decisions and who has a strong inner moral core, or a man who says whatever he thinks his listeners want to hear and will defer to the UN before making foreign policy decisions? Do I agree with everything President Bush has done in the last four years? Not by a long shot. But I honestly believe that we will be better off with four more years of Bush than four years of Kerry.

On my sidebar to the right is a list of Bloggers for Bush. Please visit them and show your support.

If you have already volunteered or donated, thank you. Now, please talk to your friends and relatives about voting. This could be a vote for the American way of life.

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