Sunday, May 23, 2004

Wandering Thoughts

Just read that GWB fell off his mountain bike and sustained some minor scratches and abrasions. I've read, but haven't been able to substantiate, that Kerry asked if the training wheels fell off GWB's bike. If he said it, that statement alone lost my vote, not that he ever had it to begin with. It ranks right up there with chanting, "na, na, na, na, na!" and sticking out his tongue. What is this? 4th grade?

Michael Moore's movie won the Golden Palm or whatever they call it at Cannes. You realize the movie won only because it was a Bush-basher, don't you? It surely isn't because of the quality of the movie or that Cannes is in France which is in Europe which hates the US.

Kerry wants to delay accepting the Democratic nomination? He should star in, what was it? Clariol? commercials. Remember the "does she or doesn't she commercials"? This can be "will he or won't he?" One good thing, Kerry's speech at the convention should be short...."I'll get back to you."

Whoever loses the election can always go to Yahoo! to look for a job. I'm sure Gray Davis has found gainful employment.

A gallon of serin gas was found in an artillery shell near the Baghdad airport recently. You realize that just a drop of serin is deadly. Can you guess how many deaths a gallon could cause? I don't know. Maybe someone reading this does?

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