Thursday, September 23, 2004

Secret Plans

You might remember that early on Kerry talked about foreign heads of state who had told him they wanted him elected to the US presidency. But, he couldn't say who they were. Now, Kerry is talking about Bush's "secret plan" to re-institute the draft. I'm beginning to think Deep Throat is alive and well and working for Kerry. Or that Kerry has a tin foil hat under all that hair.

These "secret plans" are scare tactics the Democrats are bringing out in order to scare people into voting for the Dems. Every election year the Dems bring out the same old scare tactics such saying that the Republicans will take: Medicare and/or Social Security away from the Senior Citizens, welfare aid from the poor, and others, but these are two of the big ones. Kerry is behind in several polls and his people are starting to run scared. The next six weeks are gonna be both fun and aggravating.

What I hate about these tactics is that they are meant simply to scare. The Dems have nothing on which to hang their hats so they have to resort to scaring old people and the poor. They know there is no truth in this. Why do I know there's no truth? First of all, in order to reduce Social Security, Medicare benefits or welfare benefits there has to be a bill introduced into Congress. The President does not wake up one day and say, "You know what? I think I'll reduce Social Security payments to the elderly. They're not gonna live much longer anyway." A bill is introduced into the House or Senate by a congressman who wants their name associated with the intent of this bill. Who wants their name associated with taking money away from the elderly or poor? What congressman is going to vote for it? If the Dems want to stop such action, all they have to do is lobby against it, and not vote for it. Same thing for the draft. The President can't just say, "We'll start a draft tomorrow."

I've been hearing these scare threats my entire life and it aint never happened yet. The Republicans, for all their faults, aren't going to take benefits away from Senior Citizens or the poor. They know if they did, they know the seniors and poor would vote them out of office so fast it would make their heads swim.

Actually, I think the secrets are being kept by Kerry himself. All I've heard him say is that he would do things differently than Bush has done. Has he specifically said he would do this or that?

Kerry and Company: shame on you! If you want to campaign, then campaign like adults and not like whiney little sneaks.

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