Monday, September 17, 2007

O J Simpson - Inmate No. 2648927

O J Simpson was arrested Sunday for breaking into a hotel room and robbing the occupants of certain items.

Simpson says he was conducting a "sting" operation to retrieve sports memorabilia that was stolen from him. There were apparently a group who entered the Vegas hotel room, several of whom were armed. Simpson was the last to enter and was unarmed.

Since when does an ordinary citizen take the law into their own hands and do such a thing? Home invasions are conducted in a similar manner. This is a crime in most (every?) state and just because this was hotel room doesn't change the circumstances. Such actions are performed by "thugs" not by honest, lawful citizens.

If he had information that his belongings were in that hotel room, he should have contacted Vegas PD and told them what he knew. The police would have investigated and retrieved the articles and arrested the thieves.

Simpson's actions are nothing but those of a thug. He apparently thinks he is above the law and can do anything he pleases. I see the same mentality every day of my working life.

Maybe Nevada can do something that California couldn't and put him away for a long time.

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