Sunday, October 30, 2005

Pop Ups

Has anyone had a pop up appear when you viewed this blog? My Other Half and I both had pop-ups. Please let me know if you did get one.

The one My Other Half got was for an intimate dating service, and while if you are interested in such services, that's your business. I'm not and don't want it on my site. I was at work when I saw the pop up. I don't remember what it was for, I probably deleted it before I noted the content. But since I was at work, I certainly don't want such content popping up. Especially when I probably shouldn't be viewing my blog at work. I don't do it often, but once when my supervisor is around is once too often.

I assure my readers, that if you did get a pop up, it was none of my doing and I apologize for it. I will be contacting Blogger about this. It's only happened twice that I know of, and that's two times too many.

Can you tell I hate pop ups? If I haven't made it clear,

I Hate Pop Ups!


Anonymous said...

I had one but didn't wait long enough to see who it was from.

Kitten said...

Hey, Dave! Thanks for stopping by. Sorry you were bothered by the pop up. I'm working on finding out where they came from.

Hope you'll come by again!