Monday, September 12, 2005

So Tired and Weary

Of hearing the "Blame Bush" crowd trying to blame everything on Bush. Look, he's not perfect. I don't like his stand on immigration for one. He's on the border pulling illegals over the fence and I'm trying to push them back. Okay, you Libs and Dems can't let go of 2000. It was five years ago. Grow up and give it up already.

Bush did not cause Katrina to hit Louisiana. Believe it or not he doesn't have that kind of power. One of the reasons there was a disproportionate number of blacks affected by Katrina is because the population of New Orleans is about 65% black - not sure of the exact percentage, but I'm not too far off. And a large percentage of that number is poor.

Many of the people who had vehicles got out when they were told to. Many of the poor don't have transportation. Okay, then it's up to the local and state authorities to start the ball, or buses as the case may be, rolling. The first people to point the finger of blame at are the ones who could have left and didn't. The next person to blame is the mayor who didn't provide bus transportation for those who would have left had they had the means to do so. He's whining that he couldn't get drivers. Oh, wah! I'm sure that had the buses been available, someone would have stepped up to drive the buses, loaded with passengers, out of the danger zone. The next to blame is the governor who failed to ask for help when she should have.

Don't give me this business about Bush being on vacation and didn't respond for two days. The POTUS is NEVER on vacation. He doesn't have a 9-5 job like most of the rest of us do. He's on call whether he's in Crawford, Washington, Camp David, Europe, Asia, or at 35,000 feet on Air Force One. He can't call in sick, he can't take a "personal" day, and he can't turn the reins of office over to Cheney or Rove. Despite the fact that many of you think Rove and/or Cheney is running the government through their Bush puppet.

My understanding from the news is that he was waiting for Governor Blanco to call and ask for help. The Federal government can't step in and send help just because it's needed. The governor of the state has to ask for help. She waited for two days before asking. Then, it took time to get the gears in motion. That is inexcusable. FEMA is a disgrace and this needs an investigation as well as the actions of Blanco and Nagin.

Those of you pointing fingers and assigning blame need to sit back and see what can be done and do it, instead of whining about what wasn't done when it should have been. There is time enough for that nonsense after the clean up is done, or at least started. Or at least when the last of the bodies have been buried. Quit whining, quit pointing fingers, and donate blood, money, time, or relief supplies. Or how about some effort in the form of physical labor? One thing they don't need is bitching and moaning. And being the South there is plenty of hot air already.

For those of you who are intent on blaming Bush for everything, it's time to, as a tee shirt I recently saw said,

"Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!"

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