Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Random Musings

*I'm torn about my feelings toward 527's. On the one hand, I hate that people or groups can advertise hate-filled messages about another person. Some are filled with lies, half-truths (which are also lies), and innuendos and are just hateful. On the other hand, I'm in total support of Freedom of Speech which protects these organizations. Just because the scale tips in favor of Freedom of Speech doesn't mean I have to like what those people have to say. Organizations like the Swift Vets, a 527 organization, have a story to tell and have earned the right to tell it. Other groups, like MoveOn.org, and people like Michael Moore, have the right, under the First Amendment to tell their stories. I just wish they weren't so hate-filled. Truth I can listen to, whether I like it or not; hate, no, I won't waste my time.

*Speaking of 527's, I happened across another one. MoveOnForAmerica.org. Yes, it promises to tell the story of the real John Kerry. Truthful? I don't know. Hate-filled? Maybe. I haven't seen the ads yet, so I can't say. I have looked at the website and it's definitely not in favor of Mr. Kerry. As a reader of this site can tell, I do support President Bush. I do have major disagreements with his policies, but there is little to nothing of Senator Kerry that I feel is supportable. Site found via The Daley Times Post.

*I am about tired of hearing Senator Kerry accusing everyone under the sun of questioning his patriotism. I listened to both President Bush and VP Cheney's speeches during the convention. Neither of them had anything to say about the Senator's military service except that it was honorable. Nor have I heard either of them at anytime say anything but that his service was honorable. This is questioning his patriotism? Perhaps he is talking about when someone, anyone, reminds people about his Senate record where he continually voted against defense spending. Kerry did vote in favor of the Iraqi war, but then voted against funding it. Read Zell Miller's speech to see what else he voted against.

*Was Zell angry? He supported Clinton in '92 and says that he was told the party was going in a different direction than the one it took. Was he angry? He sounded to me like a man betrayed by the party he devoted his life to. Most people, feeling that betrayal, would jump parties. Zell plans to remain a Democrat to his dying breath. Just because he doesn't like what the party has become, doesn't mean he can jump ship. He's a man with integrity and a moral core. I liked that he was angry and wasn't afraid to show his anger. Maybe he'll wake a few Democrats up who will take a clear look at what their party has become.

*After the election, I will be considering what party I want to line up with. I am currently registered as an Independent. I might stay Independent. I was a registered Democrat for years, but couldn't accept what it's become. The Democrats have become more socialist than Democrat, the Republicans more Democrat than Republican and I am so confused!

*I've found some more Florida bloggers and will be adding them to my sidebar. Please check in on them during the clean-up and (please God, no) event of Ivan adding to the situation.

*I found that having a new puppy in the house leads to clean floors!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We want PICTURES of that puppy!

Sissy Willis

Coach Marty said...
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